Arvigo Abdominal Massage
The Arvigo Techniques bring together bodywork, traditional remedies, and herbal knowledge that focuses on bringing the 5 flows of the body into balance:
Nerve flow
Arterial flow
Venous flow
Energy flow
and Lymph Flow
We work on the abdomen stimulating NAVEL flow and support each of the systems encouraging the body to renew, regulate and repair. Homeostasis and Hemodynamics aim to optimize and regulate and balance systems throughout the body. ​
History of Arvigo (Maya) Therapy
Background, Theory & Practice
Abdominal theory accesses healing for the whole being. Healing systems and modalities from all over the world agree that our experiences get “caught” in our systems.
Somaticized Trauma
Containing trauma that is caught in the body requires energy. Any person struggling with holding many traumas over a lifetime will show signs of wear and tear such as adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, sub-fertility, reproductive system disorders, digestive issues, chronic pain, movement restrictions and more.
Polyvagal theory and the Social Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system will not allow healing to occur until the body feels safe enough to come out of a distressed state of Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn or Flop. Communication between therapist and client as they share their Health Story is an important part of this process. AAT sessions incorporate touch to release stored emotions in tissues and the therapist is assessing what the body is communicating through restrictions and blockages in NAVEL flows. Breathwork is incorporated to help the nervous system repattern with somatic movements into a calmer, more balanced place and healing the body at a deeper level.

Systems Brought into Balance
The Diaphragm
The Digestive System
The Menstrual Cycle
The Reproductive Systems and optimizing Fertility Support through Restorative Reproductive Functional Medicine to improve sub-fertility
Peri-Menopause & Post-Menopause discomforts
The Endocrine System
Pelvic imbalances affecting functions of the uterus, ovaries, prostate, testes, and bladder
Angie Danek, LMT
203-725-6464 (c) 424 Knob Road ~ Brownsville PA 15417
724-684-4551 (w) angiedanek@gmail.com
Initial Consultation (FULL BODY ARVIGO) ~ $225 (2 hours): includes: Health Story review, Learning YAM, the AAT bodywork session, castor oil packs in-session, building a health restoration plan and/or Restorative Reproduction health plan.
Follow-up AAT visits (FULL BODY ARVIGO) ~ $150 (75-90 min) includes: AAT bodywork, castor oil packs in-session and reviewing health plan progress.
Arvigo Abdominal Massage ONLY - Initial Session ~ $150 (80 min) and includes Health Intake Review & Goals Review, Abdominal Massage Session, YAM instruction
Arvigo Abdominal Massage ONLY, Follow-up Session - $60 (45 min)
Arvigo Abdominal Massage ONLY with Cesarean Scar work focus ~ $70 (45 min)
Pre-conception or Sub-Fertility counseling packages ~ $350
includes: 2 hour initial consultation & AAT bodywork, Nutritional guidance and Food Log reviews, 2 ~ Zoom classes (Everything your mama didn’t tell you about getting pregnant & Pre-Pregnancy Education for Couples, Instructions and resources for Fertility Charting
Additional monthly review option ~ $75 per 60 min phone or zoom call to review fertility charting, nutrition logs and symptoms.